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Investor FAQs
What are the key areas of business within Bremworth
Bremworth operates a broadloom carpet and rug business, and a wool procurement business.
What companies trade within the Bremworth Group?
The companies operating within the group include: Bremworth Carpets and Rugs Ltd (NZ), Elco Direct Ltd (NZ) and Bremworth Pty Ltd (Australia).
How often does the company report its results?
The company reports twice yearly. The annual result is announced in August and the half-year result in February.
What Ticker is used for Bremworth on the stock exchange?
On the NZX, Bremworth is listed as BRW.
What is a CSN?
This is a 'Common Shareholder Number' issued by the NZX to identify an individual shareholder who may have holdings managed by more than one sharebroker. Please contact your sharebroker to arrange one if required.
Who is Bremworth's share registrar and how do I contact them?
The Company's share registrar is Computershare Investor Services Ltd, Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142. Phone 09 488 8700. Or visit the
Computershare website
What is a FIN?
Your FIN (Faster Identification Number) is a security device, which operates in a similar way to a PIN on a bank account. You should keep your FIN in a safe place or commit it to memory. You will need to advise your sharebroker of your FIN when you wish to sell some shares.
What is FASTER?
FASTER stands for Fully Automated Screen Trading and Electronic Registration. In simple terms, FASTER is the system the NZX uses for the electronic transacting of share purchases and sales.
What do I do if my FIN is lost or stolen?
If you think your FIN has been stolen or if you want to change your FIN for any reason, you should contact your sharebroker who can do this for you. You may either specify the 4 digit number you wish to have as your new FIN or you may allow FASTER (the NZX Fully Automated Screen Trading and Electronic Registration system) to generate a new random number for you. In either case the registry will mail confirmation of the new FIN to the address they have recorded for you on the register. As your FIN is confidential they will not verbally advise you of the number.
What do I do if I change my address?
If you wish to update the address held on the share register, you should print off and fill out a Change or Correction of Address Form. Once complete, fax or post it to Computershare (the details are on the form). You may also use the change of address card supplied by NZ Post. New Zealand law does not currently recognise electronic signatures, so we are unable to accept an email advising us of a change of address.
What do I do if I change my name?
If you wish to change the registered name on your shareholding, please state the change in writing and forward to Computershare with the following information: Your shareholder number, CSN, old name and registered address, your new name in full and your signature in your new name (in the case of an individual) Supporting documentation for the change is as follows: Marriage: Marriage Certificate Divorce: Marriage Certificate AND Decree Nisi Return to maiden name (divorce not necessary): Marriage Certificate and Change of Name Statutory Declaration Form Name change for other reasons: Certificate of Change of Name or Amended Birth Certificate Your shareholder number, CSN and Certificate of Incorporation showing change of name (in the case of a company)
How do I advise Computershare of my IRD number?
If your IRD number was not shown on your last Dividend Advice and you need to advise Computershare of this number, please send them a fax or letter stating the following: your full name and address your shareholder number (from a Shareholder FASTER Statement) your IRD number signatures of all the shareholders Please note that the provision of your IRD number will not change the rate at which dividends are taxed but may alter the rate of tax for interest.
How do I transfer my shares to someone else?
If you wish to transfer shares into the name of another person or entity, you may arrange an off-market transfer, also known as a standard transfer. Download and complete an Off Market Transfer Form and fax or post to Computershare.
How do I buy or sell shares?
If you wish to buy Bremworth shares on the NZX, you will need to contact a licensed sharebroker to arrange the transaction. There are many sharebrokers to choose from, most of whom are listed in the Yellow Pages or on the NZX website.
What is a Security Reference Number (SRN) and how do I find our what my SRN is?
Issuer Sponsored holders are allocated two unique identification numbers - an SRN and a Holder Number. The SRN provides a higher level of security (similar to a credit card PIN); it is only shown on Issuer statements and must be provided to your broker when buying or selling shares. The unique holder number is quoted on other correspondence and cannot be used to sell your holding.
How can I check my shareholding?
You can do this via the Computershare website or by phoning Computershare on 09 488 8777.