A Little Love Goes A Long Way

Spills are part of life. Give your naturally durable and stain resistant carpet a helping hand to stay looking its best.
How To Clean

Baby Food Off Wool Carpet

Step 1: Discard any large pieces of food.

Step 2: Pour a small amount of water on the spill.

Step 3: Soak up excess water with dry paper towels.

Step 4: Use downward pressure to soak - do not rub!

Step 5: Discard and repeat until the spill has disappeared.

How To Clean

Soil Off Wool Carpet

Step 1: Gently pick up and discard any large pieces of soil.

Step 2: Vacuum up the rest of the surface soil, hovering just above the spill.

Step 3: Vacuum using a brushless head - this is very important as a brushed head can rub the soil into the carpet more.

Step 4: Relax and re-pot your plant!

How To Clean

A Orange Juice Spill

Step 1: Clean up the spill immediately by gently blotting the spill with plain paper towels removing as much as you can.

Step 2: Pour a small amount of water on the spill.

Step 3: Remove surface water with dry paper towels.

Step 4: Soak up excess water with more paper towels - use downward pressure, but do not rub!

Step 5: Discard and repeat until the spill has disappeared.

How To Clean

A Soft Drink Spill

Step 1: Clean up the spill immediately by gently blotting the spill with plain paper towels removing as much as you can.

Step 2: Pour a small amount of water on the spill.

Step 3: Remove surface water with dry paper towels.

Step 4: Soak up excess water with more paper towels - use downward pressure, but do not rub!

Step 5: Discard and repeat until the spill has disappeared.

A Summary Of The Do's & Don'ts

General rules for cleaning up spills on your carpet

How to Clean The Most Common Stains & Spills Off Wool Carpet

Accidents and spills are part of a modern home. If you have spilled something on your beautiful wool carpet not covered above, do not despair we have some general guidelines that can help.


  • Contain the stain and immediately blot any liquids with paper towels.
  • Quickly scoop up any solids; avoid pushing them deeper into the carpet pile.


  • Never, ever rub a wet wool carpet spill. Instead, you want to absorb it with plain white paper towels using a gentle blotting/dabbing action. Rubbing can drive the liquid deep into the pile and into the backing making it much harder to remove.
  • Submerge carpet in water or other liquids.