Bremworth usually pays dividends twice a year as follows:
- Interim announced at the time of the release of the half-year results in February and payable in March.
- Final announced together with the full year results in August and payable in October.
The Company has established a dividend reinvestment plan under which shareholders may elect to reinvest the net proceeds of cash dividends to be paid or credited on some or all of their ordinary shares held in the Company from time to time towards acquiring further fully paid up ordinary shares in the Company.
The Directors may, in their sole discretion, at any time terminate, suspend or modify the plan. The terms and conditions of the plan can be viewed by downloading the Dividend Reinvestment Plan or obtained from the Company's share registrar, Computershare Investor Services Ltd, Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142.
Shareholders who receive their dividends in cash have the option of having a dividend cheque mailed to them or having the payment directly credited to their nominated bank accounts in New Zealand. The Company strongly recommends that shareholders choose to have their dividend payments directly credited to their nominated bank accounts in New Zealand. To do this, shareholders should contact the Company's share registrar by phoning Computershare on 09 488 8777 or by visiting the Computershare website.
A full list of dividends paid since 1996 can be found in the attached document:
Year | Type | Amount (cents/share)* | Imputation Credits (cents/share)* | Supplementary dividend (cents/share)* | Date paid/payable |
2014 | Interim | 3.00 | 1.1667 | 0.5294 | 28 March 14 |
2013 | Interim | Nil | Nil | Nil | n/a |
Final | 4.00 | 1.5556 | 0.7059 | 18 October 13 | |
2012 | 1st Interim | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | n/a |
2nd Interim | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | n/a | |
Final | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | n/a | |
2011 | 1st Interim | 3.00 | 1.29 | 0.53 | 17-Dec-10 |
2nd Interim | 4.00 | 1.71 | 0.71 | 25-Mar-11 | |
Final | 11.00 | 4.71 | 1.94 | 14-Oct-11 | |
Total | 18.00 | 7.71 | 3.18 |