October 22, 2021
Change in Director
Change in Director
Bremworth Limited (NZX: BRW) regretfully advises that Rachel Walsh has stepped down from her role as Director, due to a newly notified concern by PwC (Bremworth’s external auditor) in relation to PwC’s independence in appearance, as she has an existing, personal relationship with a non-audit partner of PwC.
Chair of Bremworth, George Adams, said that the Board takes external auditor independence seriously and the notification from PwC following Rachel’s appointment and clarification of PwC’s position was disappointing. “Rachel is highly skilled and will add value to any Board. We believe she has a strong future career in governance and wish Rachel all the best.”
Rachel has chosen to step down to ensure no perceived independence concerns between the company and its external auditor. She remains a strong advocate of Bremworth and its strategy and is looking forward to seeing the company continue its journey towards its goal of being a world leader in natural, sustainable, home interior products.
For further information please contact:
George Adams
T: +64 21 555 040