Annual Meeting 2023
Bremworth Limited proudly held its 2023 Annual Shareholders' Meeting today at the Home Ideas Centre, Auckland, and virtually via Computershare’s online meeting platform at
Attached are the Chairman's and CEO's speeches and the accompanying presentation.
Results of Bremworth Limited Annual Meeting of shareholders
At Bremworth’s shareholder meeting, shareholders were asked to vote on three resolutions, which were supported by the Board.
As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll.
The resolutions passed by shareholders were:
- Re-election of Dianne Williams: That Dianne Williams, who retires and who is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company.
- Re-election of Paul Izzard: That Paul Izzard, who retires and who is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company.
- Auditor’s remuneration: That the directors be authorised to fix the remuneration of the auditor.
Detail of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are:
Re-election of Dianne Williams For 15,745,324 (99.00%) Against 158,350 (1.00%) Abstain 7,130
Re-election of Paul Izzard For 13,330,058 (98.73%) Against 170,879 (1.27%) Abstain 2,409,867
Auditor’s remuneration For 15,750,077 (99.47%) Against 84,682 (0.53%) Abstain 76,045