Wool is proven to be durable even in the toughest elements. Its unique spiral crimp helps hold its beauty year after year. That’s how something so soft can also be so strong. No wonder wool has been around for a while.

Wool carpet is surprisingly easy to clean. That’s because wool is naturally stain resistant. Ready for whatever you throw at it or spill on it, wool always bounces back. Wool not only looks good, it smells good. That’s because wool is naturally odour resistant, making it an excellent choice for a modern home.

Crafted so you can breathe easy. The wool in our carpet is naturally hypoallergenic. It helps promote a healthy, natural environment in your home. Wool contains no microplastics and as a natural material we’ve enjoyed its safe and protective qualities for many generations. Wool is proven to be hard to ignite, slow to burn and self-extinguishing making it a safe choice for your home.

- Contain the stain immediately. Blot any liquids with a paper towel
- Quickly scoop up any solids. Avoid pushing them deeper into the carpet pile
- Never rub a wet spill. Instead absorb it with plain white paper towels using a gentle dabbing action
- Don’t submerge carpet in water or other liquids

All of our carpets come with a 15-year insect resistance limited warranty* for additional peace of mind. All creepy crawlies will be attracted to food, dirt and debris that can collect on any floor or surface. By vacuuming regularly you can help avoid attracting insects into your home and enjoy all the natural benefits wool with out any unwanted guests.
*Exclusions, prorating and terms and conditions apply. Click here for more details.

Wool carpet is easy to maintain and perfectly safe to vacuum with any brand of vacuum cleaner. Our recommendation is to use a non-rotating suction head with your vacuum, as rotating power heads can be quite abrasive on surfaces. This is because they generally rely on high torque spinning actions to lift debris off the floor rather than suction power alone.